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Saturday 8 May 2010

Mount Tangkuban

Tangkuban Mount or Mount Tangkuban Perahu is one mountain that lies in the province of West Java, Indonesia. Approximately 20 km to the north of Bandung, with a lush carpet of pine trees and tea garden around it, the mountain has Tangkuban altitude 2084 meters tall. This mountain forms are Stratovulcano with eruptive center shifted from east to west. Type of rock is mostly excreted through the eruption of lava and sulfur, sulfur mineral sulfur is removed, minerals emitted when the mountain is not active sulfur vapor. Tangkuban Perahu Mountain Region is managed by Perum Forestry. Daily average temperature is 17oC in the daytime and 2 oC at night.
Tangkuban mountain forests have Dipterokarp Mount, Top Dipterokarp forest, Montane forest, and mountain forests or forest Ericaceous.

Local folk legend

The origin of Mount Tangkuban Sangkuriang legends associated with, as narrated in love with his mother, Dayang Sumbi. To thwart the intention of marrying her son, Dayang Sumbi filed Sangkuriang create conditions so that the boat overnight. When his efforts failed, Sangkuriang angry and kicked the boat that landed upside-down. The boat is then formed Tangkuban Mt.
Mount Tangkuban This includes an active volcano that status continues to be supervised by the Directorate of Volcanology Indonesia. Some of the crater is still showing signs of liveliness mark this mountain. Among these signs is the emergence of volcanic gases and sulfur hot springs at the foot of her mountain of them are in kasawan Ciater, Subang.
The existence of this mountain and the topography of the Bandung basin with hills and mountains on each side reinforces the theory of the existence of a lake (crater) which is currently a major area of Bandung. Believed by geologists that the plateau region of Bandung with a height of approximately 709 m above sea level is the remnant of an ancient volcanic eruption known as Mount Sunda, and Mount Tangkuban is the remainder of an ancient volcano is still active Sunda. This phenomenon can be seen on Mount Krakatau in the Sunda Strait and the area of Ngorongoro Conservation Area in Tanzania, Africa. So the legend Sangkuriang community area which is a story that is believed to be a community area of documentation of an ancient volcano on the sunda events at that time.

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