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Saturday 8 May 2010

Menteng Stadium

Menteng Stadium is a stadium capacity of 10 000 spectators who had existed on Jalan HOS Cokroaminoto, Menteng, Central Jakarta, on land that is now the Menteng Park. Field initially was established in 1921 under the
name Voetbalbond Indische Omstreken Sport (Viosveld). The stadium was designed by Dutch architect, F.J. Kubatz and P.A.J. Moojen. The stadium development is then used by Persija.
Persija soccer stadium in Menteng is one of the proud citizens of Jakarta and most historic, both in the history of the City of Jakarta and persepak bolaan in Jakarta and Indonesia. Many Indonesian football legend was born here, like Djamiat Kaldar, Abdul Kadir, Idris Iswadi, Anjas Asmara, or Ronny Pattinasarani.
Since 1921, the land area of 3.4 hectares, which is now the Persija stadium has been used as a place to exercise the Dutch people. Furthermore, the stadium is used for the general public, and in 1961 up to now used as a place to play and practice for the team Persija. In 1975, the Governor of Jakarta Decree of 1975 set this stadium as one of the cultural heritage that must be protected.
Before occupying the stadium Menteng, Persija has conducted various training programs such as club members held a competition, age group competitions, training the senior team and the team at various age levels IKADA stadium now known as the National Monument (Monas). Then, as the Monas development programs in 1958, the stadium was moved to the stadium Menteng Persija submitted directly by the first Indonesian president, Sukarno, in 1960

Transfer of Functions

Jakarta Governor Sutiyoso plans to change the function into the Garden of Menteng Menteng Stadium starts since 2004. Around September 2004, the Agency of DKI Jakarta Menteng Park open design competition, public open space versatile. Contests emphasis on problem-solving theme park through an underground parking and public spaces that have a contemporary character. Soebchardi Rahim with the design theme "Dual Memory" as the winner. Design contest winners certainly taste the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta, which eliminates the historic stadium that has been aged 84 years. While retaining the design to integrate with the existence of the stadium and park the versatile interactive instead rejected.
Since the beginning of the existence of the stadium which is one water catchment areas in Central Jakarta were already planned to move. Emphasis on the theme of design, presenting an underground car park, clearly we see the efforts to eliminate water infiltration in the region.

Restructuring plan Menteng Park as it ever sticking in when Surjadi Soedirdja become Governor of DKI Jakarta (1992-1997). However, consideration will destroy the water catchment, Surjadi reject the plan. Landscape Architecture Study Group chaired by Joga Nirwono Yudi, said it had warned against the move plan and make the park Menteng Stadium versatile. However, DKI Jakarta Provincial Government took no notice.
Head of Jakarta Provincial Agency Sarwo Handayani said that the estimated construction cost of Menteng Park valued at USD 45 billion they paid the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta. While the management of pregnant pascapembangunan independently managing the financing principles with alternative forms of the governing body and the second is cooperation with private parties.
Assistant to the Regional Secretariat for Economic Jakarta Ma'mun Amin said, the management of Lebak Bulus Stadium by Bakrie Group with 20-year contract will expire in the year 2010. For the management takeover in the middle of the road, the Child Welfare must pay the compensation money is not worth Rp 13 billion in cash.
This is done because the old manager still has not paid social facilities and public facilities to the Government of the Province of Land Use Designation Permit (SIPPT) in Mega Kuningan, South Jakarta.
Menteng Park plans will have sports facilities futsal, badminton, jogging, soccer parks and monuments, as well as three-storey parking building with a capacity of 200 cars. Cost is budgeted for construction of Menteng Park in the amount of 32 billion rupiah, from the Budget of the Region in 2006.
On April 28, 2007, the park was established and designated as public parks have sports facilities, 44 recharge wells, and parking area.

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